Monday, January 28, 2008

Peter Bober, Soon to be elected, Mayor of Hollywood & Guest Contributor

This is a banner day here at "A Mother's Musings"!! I am proud to announce our second guest contributor. Mayoral Candidate Peter Bober! I am very excited and honored to have him joining us today! So without further hesitation the Future Mayor of Hollywood: Peter Bober!!!! (applause applause applause.....and the crowd goes wild!!!!!)

"Dear Friends of Courtney,

It's hard to believe that tomorrow is election day. The campaign has been grueling, but I've really enjoyed myself. I have met so many interesting people, and have had informative discussions about every issue under the sun. Because I began knocking on doors about 17 months ago, I have been to virtually every neighborhood in Hollywood. I've learned that each street has its own issue of concern. Having spent so much time campaigning, I have learned more about the city, its residents and how we can address neighborhood concerns after I am elected.

It was very kind of the mayor to introduce me to Hollywood's residents through her campaign mailings. I'm flaterred that someone would spend a quarter of a million dollars just to get my name out. She could have probably spent half that, and given a hundred thousand dollars to one of the many wonderful charities we have in Hollywood--I think the money would have been better spent that way. More than anything else, I want to thank her for using pictures and caricatures of me that made me look so thin. I haven't been in that kind of shape since I was in college at the University of Texas at Austin, and it's great to see myself without the chubby cheeks and the slight double-chin. Thanks, Mara!

Fortunately, I think her smear campaign, done through a "front" group called "People for a Healthy Broward," has backfired. People are fed up with mudslinging in political campaigns. I was pleased that the distortions of my record and outright falsehoods were spotlighted in a recent Miami Hearld article. Most people who follow Hollywood's happenings know I've been a city commissioner for eight years, and have NEVER had my name in the headlines for the wrong reasons. If you read the newspapers, you've never seen my name regarding a scandal or ethical problem. I have tried to hold myself to high ethical standards, and have tried to represent the will of the people as I best I could.

I am very proud of the campaign I ran. I talked about issues, not personalities. I want to thank my wife, Samara, for her love and support, and for helping to make this campaign possible. I think people often do not properly recognize candidates' spouses in political campaigns. While I was out knocking on doors, she took care of our two little boys, and took care of the home front. I love her very much, and am very grateful to her.

I also want to thank my campaign manager, Ilana, for all she has done, as well as many hundreds of loyal supporters and volunteers (like Courtney). Great people make great campaigns, and I am fortunate to have so many.

In about 20 hours, I will be at the polls introducing myself to residents. I will look forward to seeing you there. I hope to have your support on January 29th, and I ask for your vote. I look forward to working with you to make a great city even greater.

Hollywood City Commissioner"

Peter and Sara, I'm looking forward to raising my glass to each of you tomorrow night!

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