Thursday, January 24, 2008


Hello all you fellow blog readers out there!!!! Welcome to my newest forum for all things motherhood and Hollywood. I thought it best to leave my Candids by Courtney blog for business and create a new forum that would allow me to share my little insights and musings on the world around me! Best to separate business and politics right?? I've really been bitten by this writing bug this week and have surprised myself and how much I've really enjoyed sitting down and recording my thoughts on the mayor's race here in Hollywood. I am going to keep my two previous posts regarding Mara and the Mara Mafia at but I've also cut and pasted them here as well.

I know I've said it before, but really I could say it a thousand times, I am still in such disbelief as to how many people read and responded to my insights. I'm not claiming any of it to be fact, but just the way I see it. My goal for this new blog is to give just alittle insight into what's going on around us locally. A forum where we all can share information and opinions. As a new mom here in Hollywood, or a new mom anywhere for that matter, my days of reading the paper and watching local news are but a memory. By the time I am able to sit down and watch TV, local news is over and my husband and I switch on CNN or MSNBC (anyone else "Countdown with Keith Olberman" fans??) I find that I know much more about what's going on the National/International front than I do right outside my front door. It's probably true of a lot of us everywhere. When really what happens locally affects us so much more in our daily life than what's going on in Washington. Traffic patterns, neighborhood safety, schools, local business, downtown and beach development, (the list can go on and on!) these are things that affect us every single second of every single day, and unfortunately for most of us (myself included), couldn't tell you two things about them. UNTIL NOW!!! I have had such a good time in the last week communicating with others within the community and it just feels so good really knowing more about this whole election process that I want to share this with you! It is going to be my honest attempt to lay things out in layman's terms the way I see and understand them. Like I said I don't claim any of them to be fact, and in fact, if I'm wrong on anything I appreciate all feedback and comments. For those of you who don't have time to read the paper or watch the local news I hope that you'll be able to take away a little something from reading this. Also, if you have any stories or anecdotes that you'd like to share, or use my blog as forum, please feel free to contact me or leave a comment. I encourage discourse of all kinds!

Since my first opinionated blog entry (which was what? Monday?!) I really truly believe that, yes, one person can in fact make a difference. We all have the ability to change one person's mind, to get our voice out there and be heard! It's quite an empowering feeling really. Sooooo...... today I went and had lunch at Offerdahl's (by Target), and happened to run into my sister's friend who works there. Now mind you my sister is much younger than me, 10 years. I asked her if she was registered to vote and if she plans to. This is a big election for college students. This is their first opportunity to vote in a presidential election. Quite exciting really. But like I before mentioned, they probably know and have heard much more about things on the national front that outside our front door. So I took the opportunity to talk briefly with her about the mayor's race. She knew that one was going on, but had no idea who the candidates were besides the incumbent, so on and so forth. A light bulb went off in my head. Young adults are such an untapped resource!! We've all, at some point or another, been guilty of not knowing the candidates and vote for the name that is familiar. Well to these twenty-somethings 'Mara Giulianti' is the only name they've ever heard. So those of them who are going to vote in the election on Tuesday because they're excited about voting in their first presidential primary are really going in blind and are shooting from the hip! If I can tell this one twenty-something about Peter Bober, and get her to tell one friend and forward my blog along, then just think of the chain of events that could follow!!! I've known this friend of my sister's for years, and I hope I'm an adult that she respects (somewhat!) and values my opinion. Plant that seed in their minds so that when they go out to the polls on Tuesday they recognize one more name besides just Mara Giulianti! PETER BOBER PETER BOBER PETER BOBER PETER BOBER PETER BOBER PETER BOBERPETER BOBER PETER BOBER PETER BOBER PETER BOBER PETER BOBER PETER BOBER PETER BOBER PETER BOBER PETER BOBER PETER BOBER PETER BOBER PETER BOBER PETER BOBER!

So I challenge all of my blog readers today! Find a young adult who looks up to you and plans to vote. Share with them your enthusiasm and excitement of things to come! Tell them that Peter Bober is young and motivated and that he wants to make Hollywood a place that these young adults will want to continue to call home in the years to come! Let Peter Bober be a name they recognize and feel they can trust!!!! And for all you district 1 folks out there! Make it a package deal...Peter Bober for mayor, and Sara Case for City Commission! Together we all can make this happen!!!!

woo hoo Sara Case now has her own commercial to be shown this weekend on cable! See it now on youtube. Cut and paste the link below into your internet browser!

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